Dissection course

Location Faculty of Medicine, VU Amsterdam
Group Hand Therapists, GP, rehabilitation physicians
Number of participants Maximum 20
Duration 1 day
Level Post-grad course
Language English
Costs €399,- (incl. coffee, tea & lunch)
Rewards Certificate of participation

Date: To be determined

What to expect

This offers the unique opportunity to dissect a hand/wrist yourself. Our Hand Dissection course is highly interactive, hands-on, is structured to meet the training needs of hand therapists and improve their thorough understanding of anatomy of the hand and wrist.

During the dissection course we will use ‘fresh frozen’ cadavers which means that the upper limbs are unprocessed. This preserves the original texture and quality of all tissues and allows a realistic image and feeling of the functional anatomy. The cadaver arms are well preserved and closely simulates the clinical situation.

Students will work in groups of 2 or 3 and will perform the dissection themselves.

This day is led by a hand surgeon from the VUmc / The Hand Clinic and two teachers from the Hand Academy.


After this course the students have more knowledge and insight in the functional anatomy of the forearm, wrist and hand.

Instructors Contact
Hand surgeon Mel Eissens
Victor Poppelaars  
Mel Eissens  

Courselocation Amsterdam

See our location page for more info about the course location at BCN Amsterdam Arena.

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